Disclaimers and Disclosures

Capturiant Disclosure:

This document is confidential and proprietary and designed as a Capturiant, LLC internal work product. This document is intended to inform the staff and relationships of Capturiant and its affiliates that are subject to a Non-Disclosure and Non- Circumvention Agreement. This document alone should not be deemed as an Offering Memorandum. Reg BI: Entoro Capital, LLC, is the parent company of OfferBoard, LLC and Entoro Securities, LLC. Entoro Securities, LLC, is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a Broker-Dealer and is a member of FINRA and SIPC. Entoro Investments, LLC is registered with the SEC as a Registered Investment Advisor. Complete disclosures can be found at https://www.entoro.com/disclosures and https://www. entoroinvestments.com/disclosure. Private placements are exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 and public disclosure requirements, as long as certain requirements are met and, as such, carry a high degree of risk. Private placements being promoted are illiquid investments, with no guarantee of returns, distributions and/or interest payments, and it is possible to lose some or all of the investment. The Issuer may require more capital in the future to continue growing, with no guarantee that the Issuer will be successful in securing it. There is more information about the risks of private placements on FINRA’S WEBSITE at https://www.finra.org/media-center/news-releases/2013/finra-issues-new-investor-alert-private-placements-evaluate-risks. Securities offered by Entoro Securities. Entoro Disclaimers can be found at https://www.entoro.com/disclosures

Complete disclosures can be found at: https://www.entoro.com/disclosures
Entoro Securities Client Relationship Summary (form CRS): https://docsend.com/view/33d5u4kpatp6x92g