The Capturiant Standard

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The Capturiant Standard Summarized

Environmental and Sustainable Development Benefits (ESDBs) verified under The Capturiant Standard and minted as Environmental Asset Credits (EACs) shall meet the following principles:  

1. Quantifiable baseline that is real, measurable, and unique

2. Third-party verification that is both independent and transparent

3. All projects must be complete, have a reasonable approximation of permanence, and show additionality

(Collectively referred to herein as “The Capturiant Standard”).  

The Capturiant Standard Principles

Real: All ESDBs generated by projects must be proven to exist as described by the methodology.

-   KYC of owners and project proponents

-   Ongoing AML for financial components of projects

-   Direct connections to the people, organizations, and governments involved

Measurable: All ESDBs must be quantifiable using recognized and approved measurement tools against a legitimate baseline.  

-  Baselines need to be established

   o  For annual/cyclical projects

      ● 3 years of data is minimum requirement

   o  For longer time-cycles projects

      ● A case-by-case consideration can be requested

   o  For preservation projects

      ● Dynamic Baselines will be formulated and updated

      ● Rate of change for loss prevention is not enough

   o  For emission reduction projects

      ● Either three (3) cycles of proven emission records or proof of standard practice

-   Scientific approach to quantification is a must. If it cannot be calculated it does not qualify

-   Acceptable Error Factors below 10%

   o  Avoid compounding errors such as Estimates of Approximations

   o  Density and Volume

-   Device for ongoing monitoring is helpful, but mandatory

   o  Calibration of instrument is important

   o  Results must be shareable and auditable

Unique: Each EAC must be unique and must only be associated with a single ESDB. There must be no double counting or double claiming of the ESDB on any level.

-   Transactions between companies must be reflected in national carbon accounting

   o  Distinguish carbon tallies for national inventories vs company reporting

      ●   Identify if a company’s total emissions (e) are being included in national total e

      ●  If reduction or sequestration is sold across national borders, there must be clarity as to which national inventory claims the ESDB

-   EAC’s cannot be listed on multiple registries simultaneously

   o  Exception allowed if an OCO (one-cancels-the-other) agreement is in place

-   The same asset cannot be sold to two distinct buyers

-   Assets can only be retired one time and only by the registered Controller

Additional:  ESDBs must be additional to what would have happened under a business-as-usual scenario if the project had not been carried out.  

-   Legal

   o  Baseline adjusted by legal requirements that mandate certain practices

   o  Governmental promptings or incentives to implement the project

-   Financial

   o   Demonstrate a marginal benefit from implementing the project, display a net gain in net total carbon drawdown based on monetary incentives

-   Barriers-to-entry

   o  Demonstrate how cultural, social, or technical barriers were overcome by project implementation

-   Common practice

   o  When emission reduction or sequestration activities reach such ubiquity industry wide that their use is expected, they are no longer eligible for crediting

   o  When a practice has been implemented long enough to establish a new baseline, further crediting will be set from newly established levels

-   Lifecycle analysis (LCA)

   o  If a "business-as-usual" approach still results in net deposits of carbon or carbon equivalent, then additionality is satisfied from baseline of net zero

      ●  Measurements for baselines can include the next best alternative or be a weighted average by common usage rates of similar effects.

-   Clear Benefit

   o  Projects not meeting any of the above metrics for additionality, yet can demonstrate clear and defined climate benefits, will be considered on a case-by-case basis

Independently Audited: All ESDBs must be verified to a reasonable level of assurance by a Verification Body that is accredited or licensed and has the expertise necessary in both the country and sector in which the project is taking place. 

-   No undisclosed conflicts of interest

   o  Paid by, but not beholden to, project developer

   o  Distinct from the validation body of same project

   o  Disclosure of any potential issues that could arise

-   Qualified 3rd party verification body is to be approved by standard

   o  Submission of application, including proof of qualifications

   o  Review process to assess sector expertise

Transparent: There must be sufficient and appropriate public disclosure of ESDB-related information to allow intended users to make decisions with reasonable confidence

-   Certain details of project types, methodology, location, duration, etc. are public information

-   Confidential information is given a space to be protected in the review process

Complete: All ESDB activities must be accounted for and reported on within the chosen project boundary.  Any specific exclusions must be disclosed and justified. 

-  Leakage must be accounted for specifically

-  Projects must show appropriate risk assessment and efforts toward the “no net harm” principle

-  Considerations must be sought and made for all relevant or affected stakeholders

Permanent: Adequate safeguards are in place to minimize risk associated with reversals of ESDBs and a system exists to guarantee any assets associated with the reversed ESDBs will be replaced or compensated

-  Legally

   o  Deeds with clear ownership rights

   o  Enforceable contracts stipulating a conservation agreement

-   Economically

   o  Fees or fines for breaking the conservation agreement

   o  Claw backs and penalties for replacing credits reversed

-   Durability

   o  Generally targeted at 100 years

   o  Another way to proxy permanence

   o  PV calculation of durability considerations

      ●  Is it more important for present removal to push the timescale back, even if only for 50 years, than it is to not remove any at all?

-   Reversibility risk

   o  Higher risk leads to higher buffer pools for certain project types

   o  Risk mitigation must be specified in PDD submitted for projects

[Last Updated on 08.01.2023]